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Santa Claus – where did he come from and why does he give presents?


Santa Claus is a very popular figure in our culture. It is associated with a kind-hearted grandfather-like figure with a long beard, wearing a red coat. However, it is worth remembering that this was not always the case, as the image of Santa Claus was slightly different hundreds of years ago. Where did Santa Claus come from? Why does he give presents? Read on for more details.

Who was Santa Claus?

Interestingly, the name Santa Claus is derived from St. Nicholas, a historical figure who actually existed but didn’t resemble in appearance his modern-day representation that we know today. St. Nicholas was born in what is now Turkey around the year 270 and from the very beginning he was known for his piety and empathy. After his parents’ death, he began to distribute his wealth in a way that was quite unusual at the time: he just shared it with those in need.
After some time, he was called the Bishop of Myra. St. Nicholas helped many poor people during his lifetime, including by sharing his money with a poor farmer who had no dowry for his three daughters, and he also saved three young men condemned to death.

Death of St. Nicholas

The great piety of St. Nicholas, and the help he gave to the poor, contributed to his later beatification. He died on 6 December 345 or 352 and was buried in Myra. However, his ashes are now in the basilica in Bari, Italy. Importantly, the date of the 6 December carries special significance. It is on this day that Santa Claus day is celebrated in Poland in honour of St Nicholas of Myra. There is no denying that today this custom has become secularised, while it was actually a holiday that the Catholic Church did not abolish until 1969.

Santa in Poland

The first Polish customs related to St. Nicholas were documented in records as early as the 14th century. According to historical sources, the feast was first celebrated in Poland in 1804. It is remarkable that the image of St. Nicholas in the past was completely different than today. The saint was portrayed as a smart-looking man who gave children not toys, but beautiful, decorative gifts, such as gilded nuts, gingerbread apples and wooden crosses.

Why does Santa Claus bring presents?

Because of the deeds attributed to St. Nicholas of Myra, including giving away wealth to the poor, he became the prototype for the figure who gives presents to children. This is a symbolic gesture that is meant to commemorate help that the Saint gave to the weak and the poor.
St. Nicholas, who later became known as Santa Claus, is nowadays associated with an old, kind-hearted grandfather figure with a grey beard, who gives presents to children. However, we should keep in mind that this person really existed. Many centuries ago, there lived St. Nicholas of Myra, who was famous for his godly life and for giving away his wealth to the needy. Thanks to his help for the poor, he became the prototype of a helpful character who gives presents to children from all over the world.

Magda Wiszniewska
Christmas magic specialist
Full-time mom and an elf specialist at
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