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How to write a letter to Santa Claus in 10 sentences?


Writing a letter to Santa Claus is one of the favorite activities of practically all kids around Christmas. This tradition has been cultivated in Poland and in the world for many generations. It is also a great time to spend more time with your child, ask about their gift preferences and help them write a letter. So how to create a beautiful card for Santa and include in up to 10 sentences the most important issues that should be included in such a letter? We encourage you to read!

Writing a letter to Santa - what do you need to know?
Christmas is a great time to strengthen family ties a bit. For adults, this is the perfect time to slow down and take a break from everyday chores. For children, however, it is primarily a time of carefree, joy, surprises, as well as performing many interesting activities. One of them is, of course, writing a letter to Santa Claus.

In order to write a letter to a Saint, you need to prepare yourself properly. It is worth taking a checked or lined A4 sheet of paper, your favorite colored pens, felt-tip pens, colored paper or tissue paper. Optionally, you can also get stationery and write a few words to Santa on it.

In addition, interesting manual work can also be attached to each letter. It is worth encouraging the child to make a card with felt-tip pens, felt-tip pens or crayons and to draw Santa Claus with reindeer and elves. It is worth encouraging slightly older children to make an interesting collage or tear-off.

Letter to Santa Claus in 10 sentences
It may be difficult for a toddler to write a letter to Santa Claus on his own, it is worth helping the child in this activity. Many people wonder how long the optimal letter should be, it is best to create a content of about 10 sentences. In a text of this size, you can include all the most important information, and also greet Santa Claus.

An example letter in 10 sentences may read:

Dear Santa!

My name is… and I live with my parents and siblings in…. I am a student of… class. Every day I go to school… which is located in…. I would like to greet you very warmly and I hope that preparations for Christmas are "in full swing". This year I was polite. I tried to help my parents and siblings, cleaned the room and studied. This year I really want to get:…. . I am also happy with…. .

I plan to visit Santa Claus village soon, I hope to see you there! I have a card for you.



The letter written in this way can be left on the window sill or sent to Santa's address:

Santa Claus,

Maine Post Office FI-96930,

Arctic Circle Finland.

Writing a letter to Santa Claus is a multi-generational tradition. Currently, much attention is paid to the time spent with the child in formulating its content. It is worth remembering that the letter does not have to be long. You can include the most important information in just 10 sentences. First of all, you should greet Santa Claus, write something about yourself, and ask for specific gifts. If your child is not yet able to write letters on his own, feel free to help him in this activity.

Magda Wiszniewska
Christmas magic specialist
Full-time mom and an elf specialist at
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