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A Year in the Life of Santa – According to British Kids!


Ask yourself – have you ever wondered what Santa Claus gets up to for the rest of the year? We know he’s out making dreams come true over the festive period, but what about the other 51 weeks?

Well, it’s clearly a subject close to the hearts of British Kids, as proved by a recent survey carried out for Photobox. It seems kids have quite a few ideas as to what the average year in the life of Santa Claus looks like, which according to those who know him best goes a little like this:


Much of January is spent resting and recuperating after the chaos and craziness of December. In fact, he spends so much time sleeping in front of a roaring fire that he practically hibernates for the entire month. Lucky him, right?


Fully recovered from his recent Christmas duties, Santa Claus then makes the romantic month of February a four-week-long Valentine’s Day for Mrs. Claus. He’s basically making up for being so busy and absent in December!


Did you know that Santa’s official birthday is in March? Which explains why he apparently spends the whole month eating cake and ice-cream…hence his figure!


As a keen football fan (apparently), April is the month Santa spends plenty of time having a good kickabout with his elves. Maybe he’s trying to work off those calories from March?


As for May, this is said to be the month during which Santa eats nothing but Sunday Lunches in the presence of his best lunch companion, the Tooth Fairy! She apparently takes the month off to spend time with him, so don’t go losing any teeth until June!


Still indulging his love for food, June in the life of Santa is a month spent mostly behind closed doors eating fish and chips. No explanation as to why, but that’s apparently what the kids reckon…and who’s to argue?


Can Santa ski? You better believe he can, which is exactly what he spends July doing. Oh the perks of living right at the North Pole!


A highly respected singer-songwriter with an impressive back catalogue, it’s during August that Santa Claus sits around with a pen and paper, trying to come up with his next hit.


He’s had plenty of fun, but by September Santa is really beginning to crave the Christmas seasons and get back on with his job! The kids reckon he also takes time out to land a hand at his local post office…of course!


We were just as surprised as you are right now to learn some time ago that Santa is obsessed with Halloween! Sadly, Mrs. Claus absolutely hates it, so they tend to have a few squabbles during October.


When November rolls around, it’s all about checking those lists for the first time, getting busy with the gift-making and basically lining up his strategy to get all the way around the world in 24 hours.


Last but not least, we all know December is the busiest month of the year for Santa, but kids also seem to reckon it’s the month during which he drinks the most beer and eats the most junk food! And there you have it!

If you’d like to get closer to the big guy this year than ever before, why not arrange for a personalised letter or video clip for that special someone in your life? You can never get too old for a wonderful surprise like that…let’s just hope Santa has space in his apparently packed annual schedule!

Magda Wiszniewska
Christmas magic specialist
Full-time mom and an elf specialist at
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