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A Few Things You Might Not Know About Santa and Christmas


Here are a few things that you may not know!

Why does Rudolph have a glowing nose?
This is still a mystery and nobody really knows! Thank goodness it does glow!

What cookies does Santa like best?
While Santa likes all cookies, he prefers chocolate chip.

Where is the Reindeer Barn?
All of the reindeer live in a beautiful and warm barn behind Santa’s House.

What does Santa do if there isn’t a chimney?
Santa uses magic dust to quickly create a chimney on your roof if you don’t have one. This disappears as soon as he leaves your home.

How do reindeer fly?
This is a mystery, as some reindeer can fly when they are born, but some can’t.

What is Santa’s weight?
While Santa is so jolly during the winter because he eats so much to stay warm, he quickly goes on a diet after Christmas and gets slim again so that he can stay nice and healthy.

How many Elves does Santa have?
Santa has thousands of Elves working all year long making toys. If you want to come to the North Pole and help them out all you have to do is send Santa an email.

Can we meet on Christmas Eve?
Santa won’t visit until you’re asleep.

How does Santa go around the whole world?
Santa likes to keep this a mystery, but his sleigh is 10 times faster than a big airplane, which helps him out a lot.

How do all the toys fit in the sleigh?
This is just one of Santa’s many mysteries, and one that he won’t share the answer to!

How does Santa fit down chimneys?
Santa can easily fit down smaller chimneys by using magic dust to make the entrance expand. This way he can fit down bigger and smaller chimneys without problems.

Why does Santa wear red?
Santa loves red and wanted a suit made from his favorite color.

How old is Santa?
Nobody knows how old Santa is, but we do know that he has checkups every year and is very healthy.

What happens if the North Pole has a blizzard?
There have been plenty of blizzards at the North Pole around Christmas. Even though it can buffet the sleigh, all of the reindeer enjoy the challenge.

Is Santa safe on my roof?
The reindeer have special grips on their hooves and the sleigh has special roof shingle runners to add a little extra grip so that they never slip off of the roof.

Will my dog get scared?
Santa loves pets, and they love him! He gets a lot of greetings from cats and dogs on Christmas Eve.

Is chocolate milk ok?
It doesn’t matter what kind of milk you have – Santa will love it.

Who named the reindeer?
Their parents named them, giving them each a unique name.

What treats do the reindeer like?
They really love cookies and carrots!

Does Mrs Claus ever help deliver toys?
Mrs. Claus prefers to stay at home on Christmas Eve, but she does track Santa on a radar. This ensures that he doesn’t miss any homes when delivering toys.

Magda Wiszniewska
Christmas magic specialist
Full-time mom and an elf specialist at
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