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14 Ways to Start Prepping for Christmas, Right Now!


If you’re already excited about Christmas 2018, you’re not the only one! Here at Elfie, we spend the whole year counting down to the next festive season! So it goes without saying that we’re also experts at planning ahead for the big day.

Christmas may be a couple of months away, but there’s still plenty you can be doing right now to get a head start. So if you’re already feeling the spirit and ready to get started, here are 15 things you can make a start on right now:

1. Get busy putting your Christmas card list together, ensuring you don’t miss out anyone you intend to send a card to.

2. This can also be the perfect time to check when the final postage dates are likely to be before Christmas. This is particularly important if you plan on sending any gifts or parcels by post.

3. You can even start writing your Christmas cards as early as now, giving yourself one less thing to do close to the time.

4. Get yourself into the loft and see just how much wrapping paper, tags and general bits and pieces you’ve got left over from last year. Chances are, you won’t need to buy nearly as much as you think.

5. While delving into the forbidden, you can also do an audit on your Christmas decorations. Decide whether the time has finally come to retire some of your older decorations and upgrade them.

6. Start planning your Christmas dinner, deciding what you intend to serve, how many people you’ll be having over and getting all the recipes you’ll need downloaded and printed.

7. Chances are, plenty of the ingredients and products you’ll be needing can be bought now and stored away. Anything tinned, dried, bottled etc. can be purchased way ahead of time.

8. If planning on taking up some top-shelf alcohol for your Christmas party, keep an eye out for special deals and discounts over the coming days and weeks.

9. Beat the rush and order your kids’ personalised messages from Santa Claus today. Or if looking to do something even more special, why not request a personalised video message from the big guy?

10. If you plan on making your own Christmas treats and edibles this year, think about which can be made ahead of time and frozen. Mince pies, gravy, cranberry sauce – the list goes on and on!

11. If there’s anything you need to order by post, make a note of it and get it done at the earliest possible juncture.

12. Think carefully about how many guests you intend to entertain over Christmas, ensuring you have sufficient chairs, plates, bedding and so on to cater to them.

13. Consider a clearance of all the clutter you and your kids no longer want or need, making a few welcome donations to charity in the process.

14. Commit yourself to a couple of months’ healthy eating and living in the run up to Christmas, in order to compensate for those inevitable indulgences!

For more information on contacting the big guy for a personal handwritten Christmas message for your kids, contact the team at Elfie today!

Magda Wiszniewska
Christmas magic specialist
Full-time mom and an elf specialist at
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